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Blog Why is my water bill so high?
water bill

Why is my water bill so high?

If you recently noticed a spike in your water bill or have always had high water bills, it could be due to several factors. Some may be major plumbing problems, and others may be minor plumbing issues that can be easily fixed.

Consider the following when dealing with high water bills:

  • Leaking toilet – Toilets are the single biggest source of indoor water use. 
  • Leaky faucets – A leaky faucet dripping at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water per year!
  • Leaky irrigation – If you have a lawn sprinkler system, you may have a leak in your irrigation. Be sure to check your lawn for damp areas or patches of grass that appear to be greener. 
  • Leaky line – The underground pipes that connect your home to the meter may be loose or even cracked. 
  • Inefficient fixtures – Outdated fixtures are often the cause of plumbing problems in old homes. If you have a modern toilet, washer, shower head and other water fixtures, they are much more efficient than the older models and it might be time for you to upgrade those items for a greater efficiency. 
  • Water Waste – You may be wasting water. Monitor your water use habits. Common ways to waste water include leaving the faucet running while brushing your teeth, running half-full loads of laundry, taking long showers, and overwatering your lawn. Try cutting down on your water use, it will pay off on your water bill.
  • Seasonal or Consumption Changes – During the summertime you are likely to use more water due to sprinklers running, filling up pools, watering your garden and lawn, and even possibly taking more showers due to being outside in the heat more often. Also, if you have visitors staying with you for some time, your water usage will rise, naturally because more people are using the bathroom, washing more dishes, more showers and washing more clothes than before.