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Blog Water Heater vs. Boilers

Water Heater vs. Boilers

What is a water heater?

– A water heater is an appliance that heats water, specifically to provide you with hot water. Water heaters can come in all shapes and sizes, but the two main varieties that are the most popular right now are the tank water heater and the tankless water heaters. 

– The most common water heater is the tank water heater. They have the ability to store large quantities for water that they continually heat. They are less energy-efficient but tend to cost less.

What is a boiler? 

– Boilers and tank water heaters are very similar, they both store water in a large tank and continue to heat the water. One of the major confusions with boilers is that most of the time when people talk about them, they are usually talking about appliances that are used to heat buildings. 

– Boilers heat your home/building while tank water heaters heat your water. Although there are a variety of different types of boilers, one common thing is, they all have tanks. Some boilers will simultaneously heat your building and provide you with hot water – this type of boiler is known as combi boilers.

After reading all the information above, you should now know and understand the difference between a water heater and a boiler. This should allow you to be able to properly choose which one you need.

Looking for a hot water tank? Call True North Mechanical, we will be happy to guide you in the right direction and give you advice on which is the best, suitable option for your home and/or business.
We can also answer any questions you may have, 780-713-4004!